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A Comprehensive Review of the Shark APEX Uplight corded Lift-Away Vacuum


The fact that high-end versions of upright vacuum cleaners are frequently heavy and oversized is one of their major challenges. Shark, renowned for producing high-quality vacuums at reasonable prices, asserts that their Shark APEX Uplight corded Lift-Away may address this issue. It is marketed as a full-sized upright vacuum that is lightweight and maneuverable.  TheKingLive team gave it a try to determine if it can live up to our high standards. Here are our thoughts.




Shark's DuoClean technology features 2 brush rolls: one for carpets and the other, gentler, for scrubbing and shining hard surfaces. The soft brush roll excels at picking up tiny particles from bare floors, whilst the self-cleaning brush roll effortlessly removes pet hair from carpets.


LED lights are part of this upright machine. With them mounted on the front of the nozzle, owners of the Shark APEX Uplight corded Lift-Away can effectively vacuum in any lighting situation while also illuminating debris, dust, and hair on the floor.


Under the floor nozzle, there are 2 wheels.  Shark Apex uplight corded lift away can stand firmly upright by itself when not in use thanks to this simple but ingenious feature. The twin brush roll will begin to spin and the wheel will instantly retract if you angle it to start cleaning.


When cleaning drapes, stairs, or furniture, you can also remove the main pod and move it and the hose with two hands thanks to the Lift-Away function. If required, the floor nozzle may easily be taken out. While the hose and pod are both easy to transport and undoubtedly useful on furniture and stairs, they cannot be used when the vacuum is fully built.





For simpler access, all the attachments may be securely fastened to the wand. The designs of these extra instruments are likewise excellent. For instance, the 8-inch crevice tool has a brush tool that you can glide down the shaft. Simply snap this brush tool into the crevice tool if you want to use it.


Both the brush and the upholstery tool may be used with the pet multi-tool. Snap the brush off and use the upholstery tool alone to remove obstinate hairs from an area rug.





Pet hair on a rug was one of the initial things we tested this upright against. We were shocked by how much pet hair the Apex Uplight gathered up when we ran it over it in a single pass.


A straight air route was made possible by the Hypervelocity innovation, which increased suction force when vacuuming. We could see the pet hair circling before it was drawn up into the dust cup with each push because of the translucent plastic casing.


It's unquestionably a wonderful purchase if you're looking for a lightweight upright that performs admirably on bare floors, carpeted stairs, area rugs, and furniture. Check the full review of the Shark APEX Uplight corded Lift-Away line here: https://portfolium.com/entry/shark-apex-uplight-review 

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